



Delegates from Panyapiwat Institute of Management visited our head office
Some students from Panyapiwat Institute of Management visited our head office on May 22, 2018
This was part of the support for employees from overseas which Kitakyushu city provides.
One of our staff gave a presentation about our company. After that, we exchanged many opinions concerning our business and industry.
We look forward to conducting more business in Kitakyushu city and seeing what those cheerful students accomplish in the future !

Our staff from Thailand office visited Japan in April
They came to Japan at just the right time, the cherry blossomes were in full bloom at that time.
I’m so glad that they could enjoy their stay so much.
We are looking forward to seening them again !

2017/11 Business Trip Report in Thailand
Mr. Egawa from our Shikoku sales office and Mr. Watanabe from our Overseas sales Dept., visited our office in Thailand in November. 当社、四国営業所の江川さんと、海外営業推進部の渡邉さんが、11月にタイへ出張した際、弊社タイの事務所を訪問しました。
Mr. Egawa turned 48 on that day so all members in our Thailand office threw him a surprise birthday party and celebrated his 48th birthday. ちょうど江川さんが48歳の誕生日だったそうで、なんとお祝いして頂きました。
Our Thailand office has many young staff so it makes you feel very fresh! タイのメンバーは若い方が多くフレッシュですね!
Athough we, in our Overseas sales dept., hardly have opportunities to meet them in person, we would like to keep in close touch and cooperate with each other from now on too. なかなか直接会う機会がありませんが、これからも密接に連絡を取り合い、協力して案件に取り組んでいきましょう.
This time, Mr. Egawa and Mr. Watanabe went on a business trip with the aim to realize the obtaining of the new customer and the obtaining of an order for the solar power system and robotic automation projects. 今回は、太陽光発電とロボット自動化に関する案件で新規カストマ獲得および受注につながりそうな案件があり、出張しました。
We will do our best to live up to your expectations. 頑張って受注につなげたいと思います。
DHOWA TECHNOS chiefly deals with industrial electrical goods manufactured in Japan and overseas. 弊社は日本製や海外製の工業用電気製品を取り扱っています。
If you are interested in Thailand businesses, please feel free to contact us! タイのビジネスにご興味のある方は、お気軽にお問合せください!

Introduction of the staff !!
Today, I’d like to introduce the staff of DHOWA TECHNOS Russia to you ! ドーワテクノスロシアのスタッフを紹介します!
I asked them to send me a photo and they happily gave me one forthwith !
Their charming smiles make us relaxed !
Thanks for the polite and response as always.
And, a Japanese employee, who transferred to Russia in Ootober 2017 is always present. ちなみに、2017年10月より日本人スタッフも駐在しております。
DHOWA TECHNOS chiefly deals with industrial electrical goods manufactured in Japan and overseas. 弊社は日本製や海外製の工業用電気製品を取り扱っています。
If you are interested in Russian businesses, please feel free to contact us! ロシアのビジネスにご興味のある方は、お気軽にお問合せください!